How to publish your article on Chamaileon Blog

If you want to get published on our resources page:, please make sure that you fulfill the following requirements.

Why do you want to contribute an article to our audience?

Our visitors are mainly email marketers or people involved in email production: designers, developers, small business owners, e-commerce strategists, and team leaders devoted to creating better and more efficient emails.

The main focus of the blog is helping them make an impact on their emails. ROI, saving the world, selling red shoes; the goal varies while the tool is always the same: emails.

Still interested? Keep reading!

How to get published on our blog?

It’s simple, really but before that, please skim through this page, you'll find contact info at the bottom.

We expect the following from your submission

To keep the quality of the blog, we have a few requirements, that are easy to achieve if you are prepared to teach our audience.

  • Length. We only publish long-form articles (At least 1,500 words or more.)
  • Unique & Orignal content. Be sure, that your article is genuine and not posted elsewhere.
  • Structure. Your article should follow a clear structure that our readers can follow easily. Make sure to create logical reasoning: an introduction, body, and conclusion. Use H2-H4 headings, lists, quotes.
  • Visuals. Use videos, gifs, pictures, drawings, and infographics.
  • Links and references. Please use proper references. Link to credible resources and you can include 1-2 link(s) to your page/post. Make sure the links are relevant.
  • Actionable. Use benefit-driven subheadings and insert ideas that are immediately doable by the reader. They will love your article.
  • Relevancy. Address topics that are relevant to our audience and focus on actionable information. Email marketing, email template design, and the challenges an email design/marketing team faces are all warmly welcomed issues here. Our readers are not beginners. They are experienced marketers, so take them seriously, and dig a little deeper to provide detailed information and valuable resources (not basic tips that everyone knows).
  • Quality. Check your tone and grammar. Please try to align with our current writing style and use tools like Grammarly to avoid mistakes.
  • Openness. Stay open to performing modifications that will make your article astounding.
  • Experience. If you contributed any writings – be proud of them and please share them with us.

What We Won’t Accept

We know your time is precious, just like ours. If you don’t want your time to be wasted, do not submit your article if the following are true:

  • Anything that’s been covered on this blog before.
  • Anything that’s too promotional or lacks the requirements mentioned above.
  • Anything that seems offensive or inaccurate.
  • Hard to read, hard to understand, and basic.

Search engines are our friends

Here are some questions to keep in mind when writing the blog post to ensure it’s SEO optimized.

  • What’s the main SEO keyword in the title tag?
  • What supplementary keywords did you use throughout the blog post?
  • Have you mentioned the keyword in the meta description?
  • Is the meta-description between 120-160 characters?
  • How is your keyword built into the H1-H2 tags?
  • Are you using only one H1 tag?
  • Does your H1 tag show up in the document before H2, H3, etc.?
  • Does your blog post incorporate at least 3-5 internal links?
  • Does your blog post incorporate at least 3-5 external links?
  • Do your images contain alt tags relevant to the topic?
  • Which alt tags are included in the blog post?
  • Which file names (including SEO keywords relevant to the topic) did you use?
  • Are all images compressed using JPEG mini or PNG?

Instructions for your article submission:

  1. Think about possible titles and pitch them at
  2. After we approved one of your title ideas (we can help you brainstorm even new ones) you can start your research.
  3. Make a simple outline of your desired post in Google Docs and share the file with us.
  4. We'd like to approve your outline, this gives us room to help you out if needed with ideas.
  5. You need to have real-life examples of every statement from real brands, with high-quality pictures and credible references.
  6. Place relevant and helpful headings and subheadings in your article.
  7. Add a short meta title and description as well.
  8. Include your full name and bio.

We can't wait to read your article!