Best software-generated email HTML on Earth

Manual email coding made obsolete

We have spent years improving our email code generator algorithm to perfection. Now it's available to you, to create and send as high-quality email HTML as possible without coding.

Email code that compatible with all major email clients.

The secret of high-quality

email HTML illustration

Email code is regularly tested with both Litmus, Email On Acid, and our own email client rendering tests.

  • Outlook friendly backgrounds
    Turn VML background images on/off
  • Improved accessibility
    Turn 'role=presentation' on/off
  • Gmail Promotions-tab annotations
    Design and edit on the front-end
  • Fully-clickable high-converting buttons
    Boost CTR% with bulletproof CTA buttons
  • Templating languages for dynamic content
    Drag-n-drop Handlebars, Liquid, Mustache editor
A client asked for background optimization for Outlook. We spent 6 hours adding custom VML. If we had been able to use Chamaileon on the project, we would have sorted this out with the flip of a switch.
Marketers enabled to create stunning emails campaigns on their own.
Mark Kuykendall
Director of Data and Automation, Moon Tide Agency

Chamaileon's Email HTML code is compatible with all major email clients

Email code quality is continuously tested with Litmus and Email On Acid

Desktop Email Clients
Air Mail 2.0
Apple Mail 4 - 16
IBM Notes 9 - 10
Lotus Notes 8/8.5
Outlook 2007
Outlook 2010
Outlook 2013
Outlook 2016
Outlook 2019
Outlook 2021
Outlook Office 365
Outlook for Windows
Thunderbird 3.0+
Windows Live Mail
Windows Mail
Web-based Email Clients
AOL Mail
Atmail Open
G Suite
G Suite
Office 365
Roundcube Webmail
Yahoo! Mail
Yandex Mail
Mobile Email Clients
Android (2.3 - 16)
Blackberry 5+ app
Gmail App Android
Gmail iOS
KindleFire 2.3
Nate app
Outlook App
Outlook iOS
Samsung Mail
Windows Phone 7.5
Windows Phone 8+
iPad (All Sizes)
iPhone 11-16
iPhone SE
iOS 4-17
iOS 18.3

Comparing top email builder's code output for size and rendering quality

We replicated the same email with the top email builders to see the code and rendering difference.

We compared the HTML code size (that matters!) and the rendering quality as well. The original email design was created by using MJML email code language.

Email html code comparison chart

MJML (original template)

Email HTML Size 60 Kb (+33.3% compared to Chamaileon)

  • Background image support in Outlooks (VML backgrounds)
  • Ideal for tech-savvy developers who don’t want to learn email coding tricks but familiar with building in code
  • MJML is only an open-source email templating language paired with an HTML generator
  • No visual editor interface is available
  • It doesn’t offer any user handling, email, team, asset management, or anything similar that email creation platforms do
  • No support.

Original email created with MJML framework


Email HTML Size 45 Kb (-25% compared to original)

  • Background image support in Outlooks (VML backgrounds)
  • Real-time collaboration with team members
  • Pixel-level control over every design property including margins
  • Visual email design editor with configurable email HTML generator
  • Flexible but complex editor interface (ideal for marketer/designer who has some experience with drag-n-drop content building)
  • Mobile paddings can be controlled on multi-column elements only, other responsivity-related adjustments require the user to take advantage of the “Show on mobile” settings.

Flawless html rendering match with Chamaileon


Email HTML Size 77 Kb (+28% compared to original, +71% vs Chamaileon)

  • Simple editor interface (ideal for beginners)
  • Real-time collaboration with team members
  • Ability to create landing pages with the same editor
  • Background images don’t work in Outlook email clients at all
  • No control over the margin property at all
  • Can only change padding in 5 px increments
  • Can’t adjust line-height by pixel (4 built-in line-height options)
  • Can’t resize images precisely (px) but only as percentage
  • Can only add margin/padding to columns one by one
  • Can’t scroll screen while dragging an element

Flawed rendering with BeePro


Email HTML Size 50 Kb (-16% compared to original, +11.1% vs Chamaileon)

  • Could replicate the original design with ~90% match
  • Control over mobile paddings (although changes are not visible in the editor)
  • Partly allows HTML code editing (but works with Stripo-specific email HTML)
  • Background images don’t work in Outlook email clients at all
  • No control over the margin property
  • Can only change padding in 5 px increments
  • More complex editor interface (ideal for marketers/designers who have some experience with email builders)
  • Can only change image size in 5 px increments
  • Transparent row background doesn’t work
  • Only 4 line-height options are built-in (can’t adjust line height by pixel)

Developer-centric editing experience with Stripo


Email HTML Size 60 Kb (+33.3% compared to Chamaileon) but much simpler design

  • Pixel level control over padding sizes
  • Line height can be adjusted in 10% increments
  • Couldn’t match the original design at all
  • Doesn’t support background images in the content at all (only row background is available)
  • Can’t customize column widths at all, either spacing between them
  • No control over margin property
  • Can only change image size in 5 px increments
  • Default padding needs to be removed many times
  • Way too many rendering issues in several Outlook versions

Design flaws and large code base with Unlayer

Dyspatch - No option to build an email design!

Email HTML Size 102 Kb (+217% compared to Chamaileon)

Based on our initial tests Dyspatch is clearly not an email builder or design solution since it’s impossible to create a custom email design.
For the test, we rebuilt Dyspatch’s newsletter that arrived as a clipped message and was sent on 09.29.2021.
Rebuilt the email in Chamaileon with a 100% rendering match and the Chamaileon version was only 46 Kb. It took 45 minutes to rebuild the exact same email from scratch but it can be imported to Chamaileon as a template in under 5 minutes.

Dyspatch is not a real email builder tool

Optimize the email creation workflow without compromising quality.

Email Creation Heaven without hassle
  • iconicon
    Email creation platform
    Import your email HTML to generate a template or build your email from scratch.
  • iconicon
    Team-oriented asset management solution
    Let your employees and clients access email templates without breaking them. Control who can edit what and centralize the review and approval workflow.
  • iconicon
    Real-time collaborative tool
    Build email templates together with your team simultaneously and see changes being made in real-time, just like you would in Google docs!

Weeks spent with email creation. Reduced to hours.

We have met the brightest brand and agency email marketing teams. Suffering from eye-wateringly painful production processes (even if they had the tools). Chamaileon's Agile Email approach helped them write, design and build at the same time and love working on emails.

Great Product and Excellent Service... Can't speak highly enough about this.
Customer profile picture
Gregor Ruthven
Director of Ecommerce, SVP Worldwide (Singer, Husquarna)

Connect your favorite tools to Chamaileon

We managed to 2-3x our open and click through rates and boost our email marketing driven revenues likewise.
Customer Profile Picture
Emily Dukes
Marketing Manager at SVP Worldwide (Singer, Husqvarna)

Book a demo to see Chamaileon in action

10x the efficiency of your email production

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Roland Pokornyik
CEO & Co-founder @ Chamaileon